The Road To Four

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Different Perspective

It’s early on Thanksgiving morning.   The house is quiet.  Everyone is asleep.  Coffee pot just started brewing.  Like many people I’m thinking about what I’m thankful for.  

I’m going to take a different perspective today.

Today,  I’m thankful that God doesn’t always give me what I want.  Yes, it’s true. Because, if  I had planned the last few years based on what I wanted, I would not be where I am  today.   I would not be homeschooling (most certainly not!), would not be living in our current home, and would not be traveling by PLANE to  China to bring home our newest son.     Who knew that homeschooling would be such a blessing to our family,  that staying put was the answer, and that flying would be something I would volunteer to do?!  I’m thankful God is in the driver’s seat.

What else am I thankful for today? 

Coffee:   Enough said

Snow storms:  Without the snowstorm in Douglas County in winter of 1994, I wouldn’t have met by best friend, teammate, prayer partner, and all around amazing man that I’m married to today. 

Laundry:  I will choose to be thankful for laundry today.  It’s a reminder that my kids are active, growing, and healthy.  I’m thankful. 

Drywall Dust:  This is a stretch but yes I will be thankful for this too.  That means the basement bathroom is nearing completion and we can start rearranging rooms for our new addition. 

King Soopers the day before Thanksgiving:   Yes, I was there bright and early yesterday with what seemed, the entire population of Castle Rock.  But, I was there to buy food for a meal that I am privileged to share with family today.   

I’m thankful for many things.  I’m surrounded by some amazing women that I have the honor of calling friends.     I have a father-in law that is healthy this thanksgiving and will celebrate with us this year. 

I have unlimited call/texts on my cell phone so I won’t miss my Mom, Sister, Brother, Grandmother, quite as much. 

And I have my Dad and his wife ready to arrive any minute to start cooking our Thanksgiving meal. 

The coffee is done brewing and the house is not as quiet now as it was when I started typing.   The day has begun. 

I’m thankful!


  1. I Love it! I think the concept of "Unanswered Prayers" is difficult for a lot of people . . . but I believe it is one of the most powerful gifts GOD gives us.

    I mediate on it quite often . . . especially, when things don't seem to go "my way." The past month for instance.

    I guess the phrase is more than a Garth Brooks song after all . . . albeit a pretty darn good song! :-)

    Great Post!

  2. I hadn't thought about your flying fear and your long flights to get Michael. Goodbye phobia, hello new son! ��
